TAN-UG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tan-ug v {1} [A; b1] store mature fruits in such a way as to hasten ripening.
Tan-úgi nang ságing sa sáku, Store the ba-nanas in the sack to ripen.
{2} [A; b5] keep unused, dormant.
Dúgay natan-ug ang yútà, The land was left unused for a long time.
Ayaw tan-úgi ang ímung puhúnan, Dont keep your capi-tal unused.
{2a} [A; c] keep coconut juice for a time to ferment it before cooking into oil.
Itan-ug ug mga usa ka adlaw úsà lanáha, Keep and ferment it for about a day before cooking it into oil.
{3} harbor s.t.
in secret.
Dúgay na siyang nagtan-ug ug gugma, He has been harboring a secret love for a long time.
-in- n raw oil which floats to the surface after the coconut juice has fermented.
-in-an n {1} fruits kept for ripening.
{2} things kept in secret.
Sa ílang áway, nabutyag ang mga tinan-úgan sa kadaghánan, In their quarrel they exposed their secrets to the public.
{3} = -in-.

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