KAMUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kamut n hand.
v {1} [a12] do with the hand.
Kamuta lang pagkáun, Just eat it with your hands.
{2} [b8] be obtained, achieved.
Makamtan nímu ang kalípay, You can achieve hap-piness.
-in- v {1} [A; c1] do s.t.
by hand.
Magkinamut na lang kug tahì, Ill just do my sewing by hand.
Magkinamut ta, Lets eat with our hands.
{2} [A1] go about barefooted (humor-ous).
Nagkinamut na lang siya kay gibanus ang íyang sinílas, He walked barefooted because s.
was using his slippers.
() = kamrut.
paN-, paniN- v [A2; b6] {1} do s.t.
by ones own hand.
Pangamutan (paningamutan) ni nákug trabáhu arun way mga sayup, I will do this work myself so there wont be any errors.
{2} = singkámut.
n skill, ability of the hand.
Ang íyang panga-mut sa burda, Her skill in embroidery.
maN-, maniN- v do s.t.
expertly with the hands.
Maáyu mangamut pandáya, A skilled carpenter.
sing-, sin-() see singkámut.

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