UNSA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

unsa interrogative {1} what?
Unsay ímung gibúhat?
What are you doing?
Unsa man nà?
What is that?
Unsay úras?
What time is it?
Unsay átù?
What would you like?
Unsa man diay?
Ug dì swildúhan mubíyà giyud, What do you expect?
If you dont pay, of course shell quit.
Báhin sa unsa?
What is it about?
{1a} bisan (bisag) whatever, anything at all.
Bisan unsay ihátag, dawáta, Whatever they give you, accept it.
Bisag unsa mahal run, Everything is expensive nowadays.
{1b} nga [time]-a at what [time]?
Unsang urása?
At what time?
{1c} ka-[adj.
how [adj.
] was it?
Unsa kadakù ang ílang balay?
How big is their house?
Tíaw mu ba kun unsa kalisud, Imagine how di?
cult it is.
{1d} -y ákù?
what do I care?
Unsay ákù ug muláyas ka?
Na hala, What do I care if you run away?
Go right ahead.
Unsay ákù kaníya?
What do I care about her?
{1e} -y ímu [dat.
] what do you see in [dat.
{1f} -y ngálan gud what in heavens name?
Unsay ngálan gud diay?
What in heavens name do you mean?
Hes married?
{2} how about it?
Unsa, muadtu ba tag dílì?
How about it?
Shall we go or not?
{2a} say, how is it now?
Unsa, human na ba, wà pa, Say, is it done or not?
{2b} na how are things now?
Unsa na?
Nadáwat ka na?
How about it?
Did you get your job?
Unsa na?
Mau gihápun, How are things?
Oh, just as usual.
{2c} na kahà how much more so if.
Ug dagmálan ka na níya run, unsa na kahag maminyù mu?
If he is mean to you now, how will it be when youre married?
{3} what do you mean?
what are you talking about?
Unsay barátu?
Mahal uy!
What do you mean cheap?
Its expensive.
Unsang kwartáha!
Nagastu na, What money are you talking about?
Its all gone.
{3a} whats the matter with?
Unsa ka bang sultían, mu ra ka mag bungul, Whats the matter with you that when I talk to you you act deaf?
{4} at the end of a phrase: it is so, is it not?
short form: sa.
Maáyu, unsa (sa)?
It was nice, wasnt it?
{5} ug pa kadtu, dihà and so forth.
Mga bínu, tubà, sirbísa, ug unsa pa kadtu (dihà), Wine, toddy, beer, and what have you.
v {1} [A3; a1] do what?
Muunsa kag hanaan ka níya?
What will you do if he aims at you?
Nag-unsa man mu samtang wà ku dinhi?
What did you do while I wasnt here?
Giunsa man ninyu ang bátang naghilak man?
What did you do to the child to make him cry?
{1a} [a1c] how does one do.
Unsáun ku pagpatay sa (ang) irù?
How can I kill the dog?
Iunsa man nà nákù pagtáud?
How shall I attach it?
{1a1} bisan no matter what was, is done to it.
Bisag giunsa (unsáun) nákù pagbira dílì maibut, No matter how I pulled (pull) it, it didnt (wont) come out.
{1b} unsáun man nga what could I do?
Unsáun man ug dì magpatúu, dì hilatiguhan, I couldnt help it.
If he doesnt obey I have to whip him.
{1c} dílì ingun sa pag- it is not to make s.
feel bad.
Dílì ni ingun sa pag-unsa nímu, piru tinúud giyud nà, Im not saying this to hurt you, but it is true.
{1d} bisag unsáun n name given to the followers of Osmeña, who stick with him through his attempts to capture the presidency (sticking to him, whatever he does).
{2} [B16] what does it become, happen to it.
Maunsa man ang átung láwas ug patay na ta?
What happens to our bodies when we die?
Nag-unsa man ang patay?
What was the position of the body?
Makaunsa (makapaunsa) kanang tambála?
What can that medicine do?
{2a} [B1256] what happened to.
Naunsa ka?
Nabúang ka ba?
Whats the matter with you?
Are you crazy?
{2b} ma- ba who cares.
Maunsa ba ug dì mahinayun, Who gives a darn if it doesnt go through?
paN- v [A23] do harm.
Dì mangunsa ning irúa, This dog wont do anything.
Nangunsa man tu?
Dì walà?
What did he do to you anyway?
Nothing, didnt he?
unsáay v [B126] what happens to.
Maunsáay átung nigusyug muritíra ka?
What will become of our business if you pull out?
Walà giyud makaunsáay ang bagyu sa ámù, The storm didnt do a thing to our house.
ka- v [A13] what will happen to.
Ug magkaunsa gánì ri, makapangasáwa giyud ka, Whatever happens to her, you will have to marry her.
kina-, kinaunsáay v [A13] what it will become.
Ug magkinaunsa, nía giyud ku, Whatever happens, Ill always be here.
mag- how are they related?
Mag-unsa man nà sila?
Magsúun ba?
How are they related?
Are they brothers?
ig- n what relationship.
Ig-unsa ka nákù?
What relation are you to me?
walay unsaunsa no more anything.
Ug mamaláyi ka run, largu ang kasal, wà nay unsaunsa, After you have asked for the hand, you can get married without any further ceremonies.

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