LAGPAK is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lagpak v [A; a1b2] {1} slap, strike a part of ones body with the hand or with s.t.
Kinsa tung naglagpak sa ákung bukubuku?
Who slapped my back?
{2} [A; b] patch a hole.
Lagpáki na lang nà bisag unsa arun dì ka lìlíun, Patch that with anything so they wont peep at you.
Pula ang ilagpak sa ákung sinínà, Use a red piece of cloth to patch the tear in my dress.
n slapping sound.
-in- n having a checkered or striped design.
Linagpak nga hinabul, Cloth woven in a checkered design.
v [A; a] weave cloth in a checkered design.

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