HINGU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

híngù v [A3P; a] pull a tooth or break o?
one of several pro-jections which are like teeth in a row.
Kanang ímung sinud-layan makahíngù (makapahíngù) ug sudlay, The comb is going to break the way you are using it.
Wà ka pa kahingúi?
Havent you lost any teeth?
() n loose tooth.
Átung ibtun nang ímung hingù bi, Lets pull out your loose tooth.
a having been pulled out.
Hingù na ang íyang bag-ang, He has lost a molar.
paN-v [A23; b4] for the milk teeth to fall out.
Nanghíngù (gipangh-ingúan) na si Irna, Erna is losing her baby teeth.

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