TIMBUWAD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

timbúwad v [B1256] fall headlong.
Natimbúwad siya ngadtu sa túbig pagkatambug níya sa taytáyan, He fell headlong into the water when he fell from the bridge.
timbuy v [A; c] 1, 2 = tibul, 3.
{3} add a little amount of s.t.
to s.t.
; contribute a little.
Mitimbuy (nagtimbuy) siyag písus sa ílang kapunúngan, He contributed one peso to their organi-zation.
Nakatimbuy ning librúha pagkúhà ku sa iksámin, This book helped a little when I took the examination.
Gitimbúyan níyag asin ang sabaw, He added salt to the soup.
{4} [A; b] have sexual relations with a married woman.
Nakatimbuy ka ánang batáa?
Have you contributed s.t.
to the making of that child?

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