KAPITAL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kapital n {1} capital letter.
{2} capital city.
{3} capital, re-sources.
{3a} quality that is an asset to success.
Kapital na nímu nang ímung pangútuk, Your brains are an asset to you.
v {1} [A; c1] write in capital letters.
Kapitala (ikapital) pagsuwat ang mga ngálan sa táwu, Write the names of persons in capital letters.
{2} [B126; a12] make into a capital city.
{3} [A; c] put up capital.
Niuprisir siya nga mauy mukapital sa manukan, He o?
ered to put up the capital for a poultry business.
{4} [c6] use as a source of profit or benefit.
Ang kaálam ug katakus mauy maáyung ikapital sa panginabúhì, Knowledge and skill are as-sets in our struggle for existence.
-ista n capitalist.
v [B156] be a capitalist or financier.

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