HALAD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

hálad v [A; c] {1} present s.t.
as an o?
ering to spirits, the dead.
Unsay átung ihálad sa Adlaw sa Minatay?
What shall we make as an o?
ering on All Souls Day?
{2} o?
er, give up s.t.
as a sacrifice.
Ákung gihálad ang ákung panahun ug kahágù álang sa kalampúsan niíni, I o?
ered all my time and e?
ort for its success.
Ihálad níya ang tibuuk níyang kinabúhì sa pag-alágad sa Diyus, He will o?
er his life to serving God.
{3} o?
er s.
his love.
Ang babáying íyang gihaláran, The woman he adores.
n o?
ering, gift.
mag-r- n suitor.
hinaláran n woman courted.

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