SANGIT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sángit v {1} [A2; b8cP] be in the way and hold s.t.
in place, snag, catch.
Kining tungguytungguy mauy musángit sa pinsúti, This lug is what holds the firing pin back.
Kuháa nang mga lipak dihà kay makasángit sa muági.
Get those bamboo slats out of there because they might snag people that go by there.
Way kasangítan ang antiyúhus kay mubù siyag ilung, The eyeglasses wont hold because her nose is so short.
{2} [B125; b4(1)] be delayed by s.t.
which ordinarily should not have caused the delay.
Naulahi mi kay nasángit mi didtu sa bilyaran, We are late because we were delayed at the pool hall.

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