UNGAD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

úngad v {1} [AN; a12] dig out with the snout or s.t.
Dì na muúngad (mangúngad) ang bábuy ug gawungan, The pig can no longer dig up the soil if a ring is attached to its snout.
{2} [A23; c] bury ones face in.
Miungad siya sa dughan sa íyang minahal ug mihílak, She buried her face on her boy friends bosom and cried.
{3} [A23] bury oneself in what one is doing.
Matigayun giyud ang íyang uma kay muúngad siyas trabáhu, His farm will do well because he applies himself assiduously.
{4} [A12S3] stay s.w.
for ones subsistence.
Náa ra mag-ungad sa mga ginikánan ang mga anak nga nangaminyù, The married children are living with their parents.
pa- v [B1256] fall down on ones face.
Napandul siya ug napaúngad siyas lápuk, He tripped and fell face first into the mud.
inungáran n {1} soil that has been all dug up by a pig.
{2} earnings, s.t.
obtained for a work done.

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