KUMA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kuma v [AN; c] get a good hold with the hands or feet by holding tight with the fingers, toes, nails, etc.
Kinahanglan mukuma (manguma) ang ímung tiil kun danglug ang dálan, You should try to get a good grip on the path with your feet if its slippery.
Inigsaka nímu sa pangpang, ikuma giyud ang ímung kamut, When you climb up the cli?
, get a good grip with your hands.
a for a child to be troublesome because it likes to hold on to the mother all the time.
() n a contest of strength similar to Indian wrestling using just the hands clamped into each other instead of the forearms.
v [AC; b] wrestle in this way.

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