TAN-AW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tan-aw v [A; ab2] {1} see, look at.
Mutan-aw kug sini karung gabíi, Ill go see a movie tonight.
Ispisyalista ang nagtan-aw níya, A specialist is examining her.
Tan-áwa ang íyang ríkurd kun madáwat ba, Examine his records to see if hes acceptable.
{2} size up, form an opinion on s.t.
Ayawg tan-áwa ang libru sa íyang tabun, Dont judge a book by its cover.
{2a} [b8] see in s.
Unsay ímung natan-awan ni Piyuks?
What do you see in Piux?
{3} look after.
Gipítul kamu kay nagtan-aw mi sa inyung kaugmáun, Im disciplining you because Im thinking of your future.
{4} [a12] wait and see what turns out.
Tan-áwun ta lag kinsay mudaug, Lets wait and see who wins.
n way one regards s.t.
Sa ákung tan-aw (panan-aw) igat nà siya, She is a flirt, the way I look at her.
hi-ha- v [B1256P] look at s.t.
because of outside influence.
Nahitan-aw (nahipatan-aw) siya nákù sa kahibúlung, She looked at me in surprise.
hiN- v [ANB156] stare at, observe s.
t as if unable to do anything about it.
Naghinan-aw lang ang mga táwu sa naligsan, The people just looked at the tra?
c victim.
-in-ay v [C; c6] look at one another.
Nagkatinan-áway sila, They looked at each other.
ig-r-l- n eyes.
-in-an() n {1} manner of looking.
Ang íyang tinan-awan may kahulúgan, He gives you too meaningful a look.
{2} = paN-, 2.
pag- n {1} opinion one has.
Dakù ang ámung pagtan-aw nímu, We have a high opinion of you.
{2} = tan-aw, n.
{3} concern, care.
Walà siyay pagtan-aw sa íyang amahan, She has no feeling for her father.
{3a} liking, crush.
Sugut nà dáyun kay may pagtan-aw nímu, Shell accept you right away because she has a crush on you.
paN- n {1} sense of sight.
Maáyu pa siyag panan-aw, He has good vision.
{2} gaze.
Walà níya ibulag ang íyang panan-aw sa ákung nawung, He did not take his gaze from my face.
{3} = tan-aw, n.
paN-un n vision, s.t.
seen in a trance.
Nakakità kug panan-áwun sa lángit, I saw a vision of heaven.
-um-r- n audience, spectators.
-l-un n scenic attraction or s.t.
on display.
Makalingaw ang talan-áwun sa karnabal, Theres lots of interesting things to see at the carnival.

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