HARUNG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

hárung v [A2C; abc1] come face to face with.
Dílì siya makighárung sa mga bisíta, She refuses to greet the visitors.
Ang sad-an dílì makahárung kanákug tan-aw, Hes guilty and cannot look at me straight in the eye.
Harúngan ku siya bísag ása ug bísan anus-a, Ill take him on, any time, any place.
Wà kuy nawung ihárung níya kay sad-an ku, I cant bring myself to face him because Im guilty.
Piligru ikahárung ang hárì sa dágat, It is dangerous to come face to face with the king of the sea.
n action of facing s.
Nadaug ku sa hárung, wà ku makapaháyag, I was overcome by shyness when I tried to face her.
I couldnt state my purpose.

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