BARAHA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

baráha n playing card.
bistu ang it is clear what you (he, etc.
) has up his sleeve.
nga dunut highly improbable excuse for doing s.t.
Ayaw kug sugali ánang ímung baráha nga dunut, Dont hand me those phoney excuses.
{1a} mahjong piece.
v [AC2; a1] play cards.
Nakigbaráha nákù ang duha ka sugarul, The two gamblers asked me to play cards with them.
Mánu ta.
Baraháun, Lets decide who will be first with cards.
-dur() n dealer in cards.
v {1} [B16; a12] be the dealer.
{2} [A12] hire, have as a card dealer.

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