NGA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

nga grammatical marker.
short forms: ng after vowels, n, ; zero after consonants.
{1} following preposed gen.
Íya kung gilípay, He made me happy.
Ang íyang payag, His hut.
{2} follow-ing demonstratives and interrogatives.
Taw-an kanang kahúya, That tree is inhabited by spirits.
Unsang adláwa run?
What day is it today?
{3} between members of a two-headed en-docentric construction.
Nindut nga sinínà, A beautiful dress.
Plawtang kawáyan, A bamboo flute.
Usa ka húngut nga tubà, A coconut shell full of palm toddy.
Ang ákung gihulaman nga bulpin, The ball point pen that I borrowed.
Gihilásan ku nga namátì sa íyang hambug, I was disgusted listening to his boasts.
{4} preceding a clause: that.
Nahadluk siya nga mapugus pag-minyù sa Insik, She feared that she would be forced to marry the Chinaman.
Huhungíhung nga daghan kag babáyi, Rumors that you have many mistresses.
{4a} when [such-and-such] a thing is the case.
Unsáun man nímu pagpanghimakak nga náa may nakakità?
How can you deny it when so many people saw it?
{5} linker between a word that expresses manner or mode and a verb that follows it.
Siya gustung magpárì, He wants to be a priest.
Maáyu siyang mubinisayà, He speaks Visayan well.
Mahímù ka nang mulakaw, You may leave.
{6} preceding the goal of a verb which refers to the same thing as the subject of the verb.
Gipílì siyang prisidinti, He was chosen president.
Nag- pabílin silang malipáyun, They remained happy.
{7} daghan there are, were many.
Sus, kadaghang táwu, My!
How crowded it is!
{8} [noun] nga [noun] the very [noun] itself.
Si Biguy nga Biguy mihukum gánì sa ingun, ikaw pa!
Biguy himself (great as he is) thought sohow could you say otherwise!

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