KULUKAR is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kulukar (not without l) v {1} [AP; c] place s.
in a job.
Kung-grisman ang mikulukar (mipakulukar) nákù sa trabáhu, A politi-cian procured me a job.
Ikulukar ta kag maáyung trabáhu, Ill find a good job for you.
{1a} [A; c1] find, obtain s.t.
for which there is fierce competition.
Kun mag-ulan kúlì kang makaku-lukar ug sakay, When it rains it is di?
cult to get public trans-portation.
{2} [A; c] attend to s.t.
so that it is done properly, in the proper situation.
Wà giyuy paryinting nagkulukar sa mi-natay, There was not a single relative to attend to the funeral.
Sa nakulukar na ang minatay nag-áway dáyun sila sa kabílin, As soon as the body was laid to rest, they set out to fight over the inheritance.
Ákung ikulukar ning ákung manghud úsà ku magminyù, I will see my younger brother through school before I get married.
kulukádu a settled in a job, marriage, having a place to stay.
kulukasiyun n job, occupation.
paN- v [A; c] go job hunting.
Muadtu siya sa siyudad mangulukasiyun, He will go to the city to look for a job.

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