ABIS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

abis v [A; ab7] slice with a curved blade, cut a small or thin part from a bigger piece.
Abisig diyútay nà, Slice a piece o?
of it.
paN-v [A2] slice the terminal portion of a coconut bud to induce sap flow.
Kaduha sila mangabis káda adlaw, They make an incision in the bud twice a day.
abísu n announcement of s.t.
to come.
v {1} [A; c] announce s.t.
to come.
Nag-abísu ang radyu nga adúnay bagyung umaábut, The radio announced that there is a typhoon coming.
{2} [A12] receive an announcement.
Nakaabísu ming way túbig ugmà, We received the announcement that there would be no water tomorrow.

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