TUHUD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

túhud () v {3} [a12] have pains in the knees.
Abi nákug tigúwang ray tuhurun, I thought only old people had rheumatism in the knees.
túka n ones part in doing s.t.
, ones turn to do.
Ímu na rung túka sa panghúgas, Its your turn to do the dishes.
v [A2; b(1)] for ones turn to come to him.
Dì makabalíbad ang táwu ug mutúka na níya ang kagul-ánan, When it is a mans turn to have sorrows he cannot refuse.
tukatúka v [A; abc] do s.t.
by turns.
Gitukatukáhan mig hátag, We were given some in turns.

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