WANGI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

wangì v {1} [A; c1] bend, displace s.t.
without moving it en-tirely.
Akuy muwangì sa tabla ug kuúta ang búla sa ilálum, I will bend back the plank and you reach for the ball inside.
Kin-say nagwangì sa úbas sa sagángat?
Who bent one of the tines of the spear?
{2} [AB; c1] break o?
a piece of s.t.
long, get broken o?
Muwangì kug sangang pára ilatigus kabáyù, Ill break o?
a branch to use for a horsewhip.
Muwangì (mawangì) ang ákung mga pánit sa ngilit sa kuku usáhay, The skin on the sides of the nail sometimes breaks.
a {1} displaced.
{2} broken o?
Wang-ing kuku, Hangnail.
wangìwángì n corners of the mouth at the lips.
v [c1] hit s.
at the corners of the mouth.
Wangìwángía (iwangìwángì) siya pagkurit, Pinch her at the edge of her lips.

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