TUHIL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tuhil v [A; a1] poke or tap s.t.
small or a tiny portion of s.t.
so as to move it.
Ayaw punáyig tuhil ang itlug sa irù kay mapaakan ka, Dont keep poking the dogs testicles.
He might bite you.
Mataktak ang búwak bísag ígù lang tuhilun, The flowers will fall o?
even if you just touch them lightly.
n s.t.
used to poke.
tuhu, tuhù particle following the first word of the predicate, used in negating s.
s statement and stressing the contrary.
Namut-but siya.
Mutan-aw tuhù nà siyag sini, She is lying.
She is so going to the movies.
Dílì tuhù nà siya indyinir, No, hes not.
He is not an engineer.

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