INGUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ingun {1} like, similar.
Ingun niíni ang íyang libru, His book was like this.
dílì nátù supernatural beings (lit.
ones not like us).
walay incomparable, second to none.
Usa siya ka mag-susúlat nga walay ingun, He is a writer second to none.
{1a} sa [sentence] as though.
Ingun sa nahugnù ang kalibútan, It was as though the world had collapsed.
{2} sa in such a way.
Ngánung gibuhátan man ku nímu sa ingun?
Why do you treat me like this?
{2a} accordingly, in like manner.
Sa ingun matawag pud nátù ug langgam ang kabug, In like manner we can also call bats birds.
{2b} sa niánà {2b1} accordingly.
Sa ingun niánà, nadátù siya sa pamaligyà ug isdà, Accordingly, she became rich from selling fish.
{2b2} in that case.
Sa ingun niánà, dì na lang ku mupaúlì rung hápun, In that case I dont have to go home this afternoon.
{3} man as well as.
Kini suliran sa mga magba-balaud, ingun man sa mga lungsuránun, This is a problem for the lawmakers as well as for the citizens.
Midalì ku ug tindug ingun man ang duha ka babáyi, I immediately stood up, and so did the two women.
{4} ka-[adjective] sa as [adjective] Ingun íni kadakù, It was as big as this.
{5} ngari, nganhà, nganhi, ngadtu with this (that) much distance.
Naglingkud siya ingun ngadtu, ug diri pud ku, He was sitting that far away, while I was over here.
v {1} [B126] be like.
Maingun ka ug búang ánang sinináa, You will look like a madman in those clothes.
Nag-ingun niíni ang patayng láwas, The dead body was like this.
Naingun ka niíni tungud sa íyang sáad, You have become like this because of his promises.
{2} [c1] do s.t.
in [such-and-such] a way.
Ug ingnun nímu siya íni pagkuput, dì siya makabuhì, If you hold him like this, he cannot escape.
Giingnan ku níya ánà, He did like this to me.
{3} [A12; b4(1)] give cause so as to result in s.t.
Unsa may nakaingun sa inyung áway?
What caused your quarrel?
Unsa may naingnan (gikaingnan) sa inyung panag-búngul?
What caused your quarrel?
{4} [ma-, pagka-, inigka-] ugmà on the following day, more or less.
Pagkaingun ugmà u sunud ba hinug na nà, Tomorrow or the next day, it will be ripe.
ingun-íngun somewhat like.
Ingun-íngun ug báhù sa rúsas ning buláka, This flower smells somewhat like a rose.
báhung ingun-íngun smells like the you know what (vagina) (humorous).
v {1} [B25] be, become somewhat like or similar to.
{1a} be rather bad.
Bantug na lang nagkaingun-ingun ku, daugdaúgun lang ku, Because Im reduced to this, people walk all over me.
{2} [A13; a12] act, be like s.t.
Ngánung nag-ingun-ingun ka man niánà?
Why are you acting that way?
-in- v [A13] do likewise.
Ábi kay magbinúang sila dì ka mag-iningun, Just because they are doing foolish things, that doesnt mean you have to do the same.
paka- v {1} [A13] cause oneself to be like.
Ug muy ílang buhátun, dì ka magpakaingun, Thats what they might do, but dont put yourself in the same category.
{2} [a12] be thought to be.
Pakaingnun kang bágis, Theyll think youre a thug.
gipaka- ug [gen.
] ug (short forms: pakaingun, kaingun, ingun) it seemed to [gen.
Gipakaingun ku (ingun ku) ug si Husi ka, I thought you were Joe.
ingung ku, ingkug = gipakaingun ku.
panag-, panig- v {1} [A2; b6] imitate: do like s.
or make oneself like s.
Dílì ta manig-ingun sa mga dátung mudagmal ug binatunan, We should not imitate the rich and mistreat our servants.
Maáyu nga panig-ingnan (panag-ingnan) nímu si Isku kay buútan, You should emulate Esco because he is well-behaved.
{2} [A; bc] compare one with s.t.
, consider him to be like s.t.
Ayaw ku ipanag-ingun sa buáya, Dont liken me to a crocodile.
Si Risal ang ákung gipanag-ingnan sa maistru, I compared the teacher to Rizal.
{3} [c] do s.
the same way he did to s.
Ayaw kug ipanag-ingun sa ímung anak, Dont do me the same way you did your son.
ka- n peer, one like s.
Dílì ka manlimbung sa ímung isig ka ingun, Dont cheat your fellow men.
pagpakig-ingun-ingun n congenial rela-tionship.
Angay untà ang pagpakig-ingun-ingun nátù sa átung isig ka táwu, Each one of us ought to have good relations with our fellow men.
tag-(), tag- each one like.
Ang bansíkul tag-ingug buktun, The tuna were each as big around as your arm.
v [B1256] for each to turn out to be like.

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