SUKAD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sukad sa [dat.
] {1} from s.w.
Sukad sa íla nganhi may mga dusintus mitrus, Its about two hundred meters from their house to here.
{2} since, from [dat.
] on forward.
Sukad karun dì na giyud ku makigsulti nímu, From now on I will never speak to you again.
Sukad niadtu, From that time on.
Sukad pa sa alas utsu kung hinulat nímu, I have been waiting for you since eight oclock.
mabakì since birth (humorous).
masukad {1} in negative statements: never ever.
Wà pa giyud ku makakità ug babáyi ingun kagwápa sukad masukad, I have never, in all my born days, seen a woman so beautiful.
{2} since, far back beyond the reach of memory.
Dinhi na ang ílang katigulán-gan sukad masukad, Their ancestors have been here since the beginning of time.
v {1} [A13N; b6N] start, originate from.
Tan-áwa ug unsang kuniksiyúna ang gisukaran (gipanukaran) áning alambríha, See where this wire originates.
{2} [AN; b6] rest on, be based on a certain support.
Dílì untà muun-un ang balay ug didtu pa makasukad (makapanukad) sa batu nga tiú-nay, The house would not have sagged had it rested on bedrock.
{2a} [A13N; cN] base, found.
Tubag nga gisukad (gipanukad) sa usa ka katarúngan nga dílì malális, An answer based on an indisputable reason.
paN- v {1} [A2; b6] start movement from a certain point.
Ang prusisiyun adtu manukad sa kapilya, The procession will begin at the chapel.
{2} have a foothold on s.t.
Dílì ka makadusù kay balas ang ímung gipanukaran, You cant push because you are standing on sand.
{2a} [A2] get a good foothold, steady oneself.
Nanukad siya úsà muluksu, He stead-ied himself before he leapt.
n {1} poise, standing posture.
Ang trátu ni Iyay may panukad labi na kay taas ug gwápu, Eyays boy friend has poise, esp.
because he is tall and handsome.
Maáyu ug panukad ning manúka háyan maáyung muáway, The cock has a good posture.
Most likely it fights well.
{2} way of placing ones feet while standing, action of gaining a foothold.
sukará-nan, panukaránan n {1} base, s.t.
which supports or sustains s.t.
Ang ímung pangatarúngan walay sukaránan (panukaránan) sa baláud, Your reasoning has no basis in law.
{2} runway for airplanes.

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