LAKTAW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

laktaw v [A; b] miss, skip over.
Sukad sa iskína mulaktaw kag tulu ka balay.
Ang ikaupat ámù, From the corner, skip three houses.
The fourth is my place.
Ug makalaktawg pila ka púlung, maigsaktu ang ihap sa tiligráma, If you can skip a few words, the telegram will have exactly the right number of words.
Ayaw laktawi (laktáwi) ang ákung ngálan sa pagtawag, Dont miss my name in the roll call.
n s.t.
skipped over.
laktawlaktaw a not continuous, unevenly spaced.
v [B; a] have gaps or omissions.
Ayawg laktawlaktáwa pagpintal, Paint every inch.
Dont keep skipping spaces.
ka- v [A13] have gaps or omissions.
Nagkalak-tawlaktaw ang íyang isturya sa íyang kahadluk, His story had several details missing because he was so frightened.

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