LATIGU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

latigu n {1} whip.
Latigu sa kabáyù, Horsewhip.
{2} punish-ment inflicted with a whip.
Nakadawat ug latigu kay nakasalà man, He got a whipping because he did s.t.
{3} k.
aerial or-chid with small, violet flowers and long, whip-like projections.
v [A; ab2] {1} whip.
Gilatigu sa kutsíru ang kabáyù kay misúki, The rig driver flogged his horse because it balked.
{2} attack with scathing criticism.
Ang kandidátu sa upusisiyun milatigu sa kaatbang, The opposition candidate lashed out at his oppo-nent.

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