ISKUR is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

iskúr n score, mark to keep tally of.
Iskúr sa baskitbúl, Bas-ketball score.
Pilay iskúr nímu sa iksámin?
What is the mark you got on the examinations?
burd n scoreboard.
v {1} [A; b6(1)] mark the score.
{2} [A] make a point or score.
Wà siya makaiskúr sa páwul siyát, He didnt score a point in the foul shot.
-ir() n {1} scorer in a game.
{2} third party who tags along on a date (taken from the notion that he has nothing to do but tally the number of kissesslang).
v [B1256] {1} be the scorer.
{2} be the third party on a date.
Maiskúrir lang kag ang kúyug mu managtrátu, Youll just be an observer if your two companions are lovers.

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