ANABYUNG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

anabyung = hinagdung.
ánad v {1} [B23(1); b(1)] take to, become fond of.
Pakúgus ang bátà nga nakaánad na nímu, A child that has become fond of you will want you to carry him.
{2} [B2S; b8] get accustomed, get in the habit of doing s.t.
Muánad (maánad) siyag panghilabut sa ákung butang, He will (might) get used to touching my things.
Naandan na níya ang pamakak, She is accustomed to lying.
Ang naandan nga paági, The usual way.
{2a} [b8] treat s.
too familiarly.
Hiandan ka lang; ábi níla maáyu ka man, Theyre just abusing you; they think youre nice.
Naandan ka níya ug kumidiya, He has gotten in the habit of joking with you (when he should not have).
() a {1} accustomed to, familiar with s.t.
Anad kaáyu ku ug byáhi, I am accustomed to travelling.
{2} tame.
Anad ang langgam, The bird is tame.
Kaanad nga batáa bísan kinsa makakúgus níya, That child is not afraid of people.
Anybody can hold him.
v [B12] become accustomed.
Ug maanad ka na ánang trabahúa, dì ka na lisdan, When you get used to the work, you wont find it hard.
anaran a having a special appeal to animals, children, etc.
so that they feel immediately at home.

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