SAGUL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ságul v {1} [AC; ab2] mix s.t.
with s.t.
else, be mixed.
Kin-say nagságul ug asin áring asúkar?
Who mixed the salt and the sugar together?
Sagúlun ta ning sibin-ap ug ram, Lets mix seven-up and rum together.
Bitsuylas ang iságul sa linat-ang bábuy, Put beans in the pork stew.
{2} [AC] go, mix with a group.
Nagságul ang hayiskul ug tagakálids sa bayli, The high school and college students were together in the dance.
n {1} thing added or mixed in.
May ságul nga ram ang kúk, The coke has rum added.
{2} mixed, interspersed with.
Gibatbátan ku níya sa nahitabù ságul bakhù, She told me what happened interspersed with sobs.
() {1} = ságul, n1.
{2} fresh coconut palm toddy which has old toddy mixed into it.
Ang tubà nga sagul daling makahubug, Fresh coconut palm toddy mixed with old toddy makes you drunk quick.
-in-n things mixed or used in mixing.
saksak -in- a mixture of all di?
erent things.
Ang ílang sud-an saksak sinágul nga karni: may bábuy, báka, kand-ing ug irù pa, The dish was a mixture of various kinds of meat: there was pork, beef, and dogs meat as well.
v [B145] be a varied mixture of all kinds.
Nagsaksak sinágul ang íyang sinul-tihanTinagawug, Binisayà, Ininglis, Her speech is a hodgepodge of English, Tagalog, and Visayan.
sagulságul varied in profu-sion.
v [C] be varied and profuse.
Sagulságul ang mga baligyà sa Tabuan, Theres all di?
erent things for sale in the market.
ka-() n a di?
erent one each time.
Kaságul lang nang ímung pa-malíbad, You have no end of excuses.
(You make a new one each time.
) v [A13] come up with a di?
erent one each time.

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