TARAL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

táral v [A; a2] {1} force s.t.
to come along by dragging.
Gitáral nákug bábuy ngadtu sa ihawan, I dragged the pig to the slaugh-terhouse.
{1a} coax s.
into coming along.
Ayaw pagkúyug ug dúnay mutáral pagpangharána, Dont go if s.
coaxes you into going serenading.
{2} bring before the court for trial.
Tarálun sa hukmánan ang gikatahápan, The suspect will be brought to court.
{3} drag s.
to misery.
Tarálun ta ka sa kauláwan uban nákù, Ill drag you down to shame with me.
Tarálun ka sa ka-matáyun niánang labihan mung paghingaguul, Youll be dragged to death with your excessive grief.
taraltáral v [A3; a12] carry or take along where s.
Ang íyang amígu mauy nagtaraltáral níya sa syudad, His friend took him out and around the city.

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