LAANG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

láang n {1} noose of a trap.
Biraha ang láang inigtunub sa manuk, Pull the noose when the chicken steps in.
{1a} any trap that has a noose.
{2} stratagem designed to catch or trick s.
Babáyi ang gamíta nga láang pagsíkup sa ispíya, Use a woman as a trap to snare the spy.
v [A; a] {1} trap s.t.
with a noose.
Laángun nátung bábuy, Lets trap the pig with a noose.
{2} employ a trick to catch s.
Dì siya madiritsu ug dakup.
Laángun giyud, He cant be caught easily.
He should be trapped.
-in- = láang, n1.

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