PUSPUS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

puspus v {1} [AN; b(1)] strike hard with s.t.
and long.
Puspúsan ku siyag alhu, Ill beat him with a pestle.
{2} [c6] be dashed onto s.t.
Giísa ang sakayan sa balud ug napuspus sa batu, The boat was lifted by a wave and dashed onto the rocks.
{2a} [B1256] fall heavily.
Nadalispang siyas pálut ságing ug napuspus sa asíras, He slipped on a banana peel and fell to the sidewalk with all his force.
{3} [ABN; a12] for leaves to be violently torn to shreds; cause them to be so.
Mipuspus (namuspus) ang mga dáhun human sa bagyu, The leaves were torn to shreds after the typhoon.
{4} [B2N] for leaves to wither and fall, leaving only the stalk or trunk.
Mupuspus (mamuspus) ang dáhun sa gábi basta magúlang na, The leaves of taro wither when the plant matures.
n club, sta?
, stick, and the like.

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