KUTU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kútu n head louse.
v [a4] be infested with head lice.
Kutúun ka giyud ug dì ka malígù, You will get infested with lice if you dont bathe.
hiN- v [AN; b6(1)] delouse the head.
Hingut-i (hingutúhi) ang bátà kay síging paniksik, Delouse the child be-cause she keeps scratching her head.
hingut-ánay v [C; c3] pick each others lice.
kutuhun, kutuun {1} infested with lice.
{2} for a woman to have the karapáta, a k.
louse spread by sexual contact.
Ayawg paduul ánang bayhána kay kutuun nà, Dont get near that woman.
She is full of lice in the genitals.
v [B1256] become a woman of this sort.

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