NA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

na particle preceding a sentence.
{1} all right, I give assent.
Na, ímu na tung ákung kabáyù, All right, you can have that horse of mine.
{1a} particle terminating a conversation: well, all right.
Na, adtu na lang ku, Well, Ill be going now.
{1b} before exhortations or commands to begin as action: well, O.
Lets get on with it and [do].
Na, adtu na lang mi, All right, well be going now.
{2} particle preceding a statement that concludes a conversation: well, all right, I give up.
Na, ikaw ray mahibalu ánà, Well, its all up to you.
{2a} in narrations: now anyway, thats the way it was.
Na, mau tu nga ang amahan ug anak kaúban sa klási, Well, the situation was that the father and the son were in class together.
{2b} word expressing exasperation or helplessness in coping with a situation.
Na, dì na man giyud muhílum ning batáa uy, My, the baby is not going to stop crying.
{3} expression comforting s.
who has hard feelings.
Na, na, hílum na, Now, now!
Stop crying!

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