KANDILA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kandílà n candle.
v [A13] use a candle.
Walay kuryinti karung gabíi, magkandílà na lang ta, There will be no electric current tonight, so well just use candles.
paN- v [A23] be like a candle.
a be standing like a candle, bare and stripped.
Nangandílà ang kamaisan nga naagian sa dúlun, The corn stalks stood bare and stripped of everything after a swarm of locusts had passed over them.
{b} become skin and bones.
Nangandílà siya sa kaguul, She is all skin and bones now because of her sorrows.
{c} be grades of one.
Nangandílà ang mga grádu sa iskálar, The schol-arship student got all ones (As).
{2} [A2; b6] sell, make can- dles for sale.
Nangandílà si Nánay pára nga makakitag kwarta, Mother makes (or sells) candles to earn money.
{3} [A2] be kept standing for a long time.
Haskang nakapangandílà nákug pinaábut nímu, My!
I waited and waited for you.
mag-r-(), maN-r-() n candle seller.
-un a shaped like a candle.
Kandiláun siyag tudlù, She has long, slender fingers.

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