TUNAW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

túnaw v {1} [AB123(1); a2] melt, dissolve.
Nagtúnaw kug kandílà pára sa sawug, I melted some candles for the floor.
Kutáwa ang kapi arun matúnaw ang kámay, Stir the co?
ee so the sugar will dissolve.
{2} [a3] be mortified, melt with shame (lit-erary).
Natúnaw siya sa hilabihang kaúlaw sa dihang gibinábuy siyag kasábà sa kadaghánan, He was mortified with shame when he was given a dressing down in public.
{3} ug gátas [A; b] mix a babys formula.
Kinahanglan maampíngun ang mutúnaw ug gátas sa bátà, One who mixes a babys formula must be careful.
a melted.
() a half-melted.
Ayawg palit ug ayis drap nga tunaw, Dont buy a half-melted popsicle.
-an() n vessel for melting s.t.
by heating.
pang- n instrumental in melting s.t.
Sambúgan sa hustung timpla nga pangtúnaw niíni, Dilute it with the right mixture which will let it dissolve.

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