PUNGUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

púngut v {1} [A; c1] join things together by tying or pasting them.
Magpúngut kug písì nga hayháyan, Ill join together pieces of rope for a clothesline.
{2} [C; c1] for two people to have a claim on part of a piece of money for lack of loose change.
Ang ímung singkwinta nagpúngut sa písus nga gibáyad nákù, Your payment is included in the peso bill which he paid me.
{3} [A13] for a thicket to form with intertwining weeds.
n thick cluster of intertwining shrubs and grasses.
Ságad ang buntug mulukluk sa púngut, Usually the quail hides in the underbrush.
-ay() v [C] have intercourse (coarse, but not very much so).
kapupungtan, kinapungtan n {1} the endmost part of s.t.
long where it joins to s.t.
Putla ang tinái dihà sa íyang kapupungtan sa túngul, Cut the intestines at the place where they join the stomach.
{2} the endmost part of anything very long or high.
Didtu níla hiapsi ang kawatan sa kapupungtan sa sapà, nag-inum, They came across the thief at the head of the river, drinking.
Ang payag túa gitúkud sa kinapungtan sa búkid, The shack was built at the top of the mountain.

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