US-US is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

us-us v {1} [A2; b6(1)] slide down on s.t.
holding on partially.
Mius-us ang mga bátà sa pasamánu, The children slid down the stairs.
Makaus-us ka ug dalì sa plagpul kay dangug, You can easily slide down the flagpole because it is slippery.
{1a} [B2; b6(1)] for s.t.
to slip down lower.
Nagkaus-us ang ímung tiyan.
Hápit ka nang muanak, Your stomach is slipping down.
It wont be long now and youll have your baby.
{2} [APB; b7] for quantities to go down; cause them to do so.
Muus-us (maus-us) ang prisyu sa bugas ug daghan ang abut, The price of rice will go down if there is a good harvest.
Tambal nga muus-us (mupaus-us) sa hilánat, Medicine that will bring the fever down.
{2a} [A; c1] reduce a sentence.
Ang huwis mius-us sa ímung sintinsiya, The judge reduced your sentence.
ang, sa kabúhì v [A; c1] bring the kabúhì to just above the navel, where it is supposed to be.
a {1} low, having slipped down.
Us-us kaáyu ang ímung karsúnis.
Biraha sa táas, Your pants have slipped too far down.
Pull them up.
{2} lowered in quantity, degree.

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