TIMPU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

timpu n {1} time, chance.
Wà kuy timpu ihalayhálay, I have no time for relaxation.
{2} time, schedule.
Timpu sa tingkaun ra mi magkitaay, We meet only at mealtime.
{3} weather.
Mubyáhi ka bísag dautag timpu?
Are you travelling even in bad weather?
{4} season.
Timpu sa pagpangáni karun, Its har-vest season now.
{4a} propitious time to do s.t.
Timpu na run sa íyang himbis, According to the scale configuration on its legs, now is the time to fight it.
{5} era, period.
Timpu sa Katsílà pa nang ímung purul, Your shorts go back to the Span-ish times.
{6} tempo.
Swít ang timpu íning sunatáha, This dance is in a slow tempo.
paN-v [A2; b6] do s.t.
at the best time.
Manimpu siyag súgal, kanà lang dibuynasun, He gambles only when the time is right, when its his lucky day.
n doing s.t.
at the best time.
timputimpu v [c16] do s.t.
at the right season.
Itimputimpu (timputimpúhun) ang pagtanum kun way patubig, Planting is done in the right season if theres no irriga-tion.
a from time to time.
Timputimpu nga musáka us-us ang prisyu, Prices fluctuate from time to time.

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