TALIWALA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

taliwálà n {1} middle, center part.
Ig-a ang taliw sa targit, Hit the center of the target.
Taliwálà sa kakuyaw nangaliyúpù siya, In the midst of her danger, she prayed.
sa kámay in the height of excitement or ecstasy, esp.
sexual intercourse.
Bahálà nang mamatay basta taliwálà sa kámay, I dont care if I die as long as its at the height of sexual excitement.
v {1} [b6] be situated in between, the middle of.
Gitaliwad-an kug lingkud sa ákung mga badigard, I was seated in between my bodyguards.
{2} [c1] do s.t.
to s.t.
at its center, in its middle part.
Taliwáa (taliwad-a) ug bángag ang kwarta, Make a hole in the coin at the center.
pa- v {1} [A; c6] go, stay at the center or middle.
Mipataliwálà sila sa baylihan ug nagsáyaw, They went to the center of the floor and danced.
Ipataliw siya paglingkud arun way makatupad, Seat her in between us so that no one else can sit beside her.
{2} [A] put oneself between people fighting.
Mipataliw ang amahan paghúnung sa áway, The father cut in to stop the fight.
kinataliwad-an n very middle of s.t.

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