TUBLI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tubli n k.
shrub growing along streams and in secondary forests, the leaves and branches of which are used as fish poison: Derris elliptica.
v {1} [A; a2] poison fish with tubli.
{2} [A2; a12] give o?
a terrible odor, enough to make one groggy.
Ang báhù sa íyang utut makatublig búnug, When he breaks wind it could kill a goby.
{3} [B126] be tired of the same old thing: hearing the same story, music, etc.
Natubli na ku ánang ímung isturyang balikbálik, Im tired hearing the same story over and over again.
paN- v [A1; c6] catch fish with tubli.
tinublíhan n fish caught with tubli.

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