BAHU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

bahù a {1} odorous, ill-smelling.
Limpiyúhi ang kasilyas kay bahù kaáyu, Clean the toilet because it stinks.
{2} having been it in a game for a long time.
() n smell, odor.
Ang báhù sa litsun abut sa ámù, The smell of the roast pig reaches our place.
nga smell of.
Báhung singut, Smell of sweat.
nga paryinti having some sort of distant tie of kinship.
Walà miy báhù nga paryinti.
Nagkaparíha lang ang ámung apilyídu, We are not related.
We just happen to have the same name.
v {1} [B; a2] be, become smelly.
Mubahù ang banig kay giihían man sa bátà, The mat will become smelly because the child urinated on it.
{2} [A12] a smell.
Nakabahù ka ba átung humut nga rúsas?
Did you smell the fragrance of the roses?
{b} = paniN-, 3.
{3} () {1} [B12; a] for meat and fruits to rot, spoil.
Nabahù ang karni kay walà nímu malútù gahápun, The meat became spoiled because you did not cook it yesterday.
{2} [a12] cause coconut milk to ferment in making oil.
Bahúa úsà ang túnù unyà lanáha, You first ferment the coconut milk, then make it into oil.
tiN-v [A12; b8] perceive odor.
Nakatimahù ka ba ug patay nga ilagà?
Do you smell a dead rat?
paniN-() v {1} [A23] emit odor.
Nanimáhù kang nangkà, You smell of jackfruit.
{1a} -ng kandílà death is near (lit.
the odor of candles is being emittedfacetious usage).
Lúya na kaáyu ang masakitun.
Nanimáhù nang kandílà, The patient is weak.
You can smell the funereal candles.
{2} [A] smell, perceive odor.
Midágan ang lagsaw dihang nakapanimahù ug táwu, The deer ran when it perceived the odor of man.
{3} [A2] find out, get wind of.
Nanimáhù ug unsang kumbiráha maáyu níyang suhútan, Hes finding out what party is good to attend.
Ag tuntu nakapanimahù (nakabahù) sa ámung mga plánu, The fool got wind of our plans.
ig-() n nga paryinti be in any way a relative of.
Dílì ka igbáhù nga paryinti ni Títa.
Makaminyù mu, You are in no way related to Tita.
You two can get married.
ka- n stench.
Ang kabahù sa yánang dílì maagwanta, I cant endure the stench of the pool of mud.

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