BIKIL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

bikil v {1} [A; c1] nudge, move s.t.
out of its position.
Kinsay nagbikil sa kwadru nga naharag man?
Who moved the picture, that it is tilting?
Ibikil (bikila) ang tupad mung natúlug, Nudge the fellow beside you.
He fell asleep.
{2} [B; c1] {a} protrude, stick out.
Kun magtanum ug kamúting káhuy ibikil (bikila) ang píkas tumuy sa yútà, When you plant cassava stems, let one end stick out of the ground.
{b} encumber by protruding.
Mubikil ang bátà sa íyang tiyan iglakaw níya, The child in her stomach sticks out and makes it hard for her to walk.
{2c} [A; ab2] trip s.
Nabikil ku sa tuud, I tripped over the stump.
{3} [B126] suddenly twisted so as to get sprained.
Nagtakiang siyang naglakaw kay nabikil ang íyang tiil, He walked with a limp because his foot got twisted.
{4} [AC3; ac3] {a} be contrary, opposed.
Ang íyang anak mauy nakabikil sa íyang pagminyù ug usab, Her child made it di?
cult for her to remarry.
Nagbíkil ang ílang mga hunàhúnà, Their opinions di?
{b} provoke a quarrel, annoy s.
with the purpose of angering him.
Bísag unsa na lay ílang buhátun nga ibikil sa bátà, They never run out of ways to make the child cry.
a contrary, adverse.
Bikil kaáyu ning batáa.
Bisag unsay átung isulti, lalísun giyud, This child is very contrary.
He gives back talk to whatever we say.
() n quarrel, provocation to a fight.
Wà pa mahílut ang ílang bikil, Their quarrel hasnt been settled.
biklunun, biklúnun, bikilúnun a {1} needing prodding.
Biklunung batáa mabáwu kag paayun-áyun únà mulíhuk, The child needs to be prodded.
You go wild trying to get him to do s.t.
{2} very sensitive, easily disturbed.
Biklunun si Pidru.
Sabdan lag gamay, masukù dáyun, Pedro is sensitive.
Just nudge him, and he gets angry right away.

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