TIURUK is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tiúruk (from úruk) v {1} [AP; cP] dive, go down headfirst.
Mi-tiúruk (mipatiúruk) ang ayruplánu, The airplane took a nose-dive.
Itiúruk (ipatiúruk) ang tabánug unyà ipasáka na sad, Have the kite nose-dive then let it climb up.
{2} [B1246] fall head-first.
Nabálì ang íyang líug kay natiúruk pagkahúlug, He broke his neck when he fell headfirst.
sa búhat v [A; b] do s.t.
consci-entiously, work without lifting the head.
Dì nà siya mutiúruk sa búhat, He is not conscientious in his work.
hi-ha- v [B126] be caused to bow ones head.
Nahitiúruk siya sa dihang nauláwan siyag maáyu, He bowed his head in shame.

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