YAPAK is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...
yapak n {1} soil in small pieces.
{2} mud or mud puddle.
Milú-nang sa yapak ang bábuy, The pig wallowed in the mud puddle.
v [B; a12] be, become muddy.
Giyapak sa mga bábuy ang ílang búngun, The pigs made the space beneath their house muddy.
ka- v [A13] {1} be full of small soil particles.
Nagkayápak ang harína, The flour has got lots of soil particles in it.
{2} be all covered with mud.
-un a {1} having soil particles mixed in.
Bugas nga yapakun, Cereal with lots of particles of dirt in it.
{2} soiled, full or splotched with mud.
Yapakun ang ímung gisul-ub, You are wearing mud-splotched (soiled) clothes.
{2} mud or mud puddle.
Milú-nang sa yapak ang bábuy, The pig wallowed in the mud puddle.
v [B; a12] be, become muddy.
Giyapak sa mga bábuy ang ílang búngun, The pigs made the space beneath their house muddy.
ka- v [A13] {1} be full of small soil particles.
Nagkayápak ang harína, The flour has got lots of soil particles in it.
{2} be all covered with mud.
-un a {1} having soil particles mixed in.
Bugas nga yapakun, Cereal with lots of particles of dirt in it.
{2} soiled, full or splotched with mud.
Yapakun ang ímung gisul-ub, You are wearing mud-splotched (soiled) clothes.