LUTAW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lutaw v {1} [A; b6] float.
Ang asyíti mulutaw sa túbig, Oil floats on water.
{1a} [AB] move gracefully as if floating on air.
Nindut tan-áwun ang maglíap nga maglutaw, It is nice to see a basketball shot where the player just floats up to the basket as he sinks it in.
{2} [A2] show, manifest itself.
Usa ka pahiyum milutaw sa íyang nawung, A smile showed on his face.
{2a} for a character trait, truth, and the like to come out.
Milutaw na ang tinúud níyang batásan, His real character now came out.
Mu-lutaw ra ang tinúud, The truth will eventually come out.
{2b} ang ganansiya [B3(1)4] for it to be clear that there is going to be a profit.
{3} [A23] for fish to come to the surface.
Andáma ang báling kay hápit na mulutaw ang bansíkul, Prepare the net because the mackerel are about to surface.
{4} [A2] for fever or measles to come out and fully develop.
Walà nay kuyaw kun mulutaw (makalutaw) na ang dáp, There is no more danger once the measles rash appears.
{5} sa hángin [A13] a lacking awareness of s.t.
Dílì mahímung maglutaw sa hángin ang átung mga anak sa kalisud sa pangwarta, Our children should know how hard it is to earn money.
b having an uncertain outcome.
Naglutaw pa sa hángin ang ákung numramyintu, My appoint-ment is still up in the air.
n freeboard.
Lagmit ta malúnud kay gamay ang lutaw sa sakayan, We might sink because the boat has a small freeboard.
ug dugù glowing with a healthy pink color.
Lutaw ug dugù ang mga dugung Katsílà, People who have Spanish blood have a healthy pinkish complexion.
ang ganansiya clearly a?
ording a profit.
Lutaw ang ganansiya sa ni-gusyung bay-ansil, You clearly will make a profit in the buying and selling business.
() n low-lying place near the shore into which sea water enters, but separated from the main sea by a bar of dry land.
pa- n s.t.
to hasten the coming out of a rash or fever.
pina- n a k.
rice cake (bibingka) cooked by steam.

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