ALKANSI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

alkansi a losing, without gain or advantage.
Alkansi kaáyu kug singkwintay ibáyad mu, I lose a lot if you pay fifty.
Alkansi aku niya sa pagkáun, I lose on his food.
Alkansi aku níya sa báhin, I lose out the way it is divided.
n {1} loss.
Dakù silag alkansi sa ílang nigusyu, They incurred a big loss in their business.
{2} lacking in amount.
Dus mitrus alkansi sa sukud pára sa usa ka páris karsúnis, Two meters is not enough material for a pair of pants.
Alkansi ning ímung gihátag sa pagpangumpra, You havent given me enough shopping money.
v [B; c] {1} incur a loss.
Alkansíhan aku nímug diyútay, You will take a small loss on me.
{2} cause to take a loss.
Alkansíhun aku nímug singkwinta ray ímung ihátag, You will make me take a loss if you only give me fifty pesos.
{3} [AP; a] cause to get insu?
cient return from an investment.
Ug siyay ímung suluguun, mag-alkansi lang siya sa káun, If he is your servant, you lose out on his food.
sa lutaw v [APB] cause to have a small amount of freeboard, have less freeboard.
Ang karga mualkansi sa lutaw sa sakayan, The cargo lessens the amount of freeboard which the boat has.

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