DALI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

dalì a {1} easy.
Dalì ra kaáyu kanang buhátun, It is very easy to do that.
{2} quick, immediate.
Dalì nga kahuwásan, Quick relief.
v {1} [B14] be in a hurry.
Dì ku kahuwat kay nagdalì ku, I cant wait because I am in a hurry.
{2} [A2; c1] do s.t.
Gidalì pagpáhid ni Dúris ang íyang lúhà, Doris quickly wiped her tears.
dalìdalì v [A; a] {1} do s.t.
Ayaw siyag dalìdalía paghangyù, Dont ask her hastily.
Dalìdalii lang siyag sulat, Just write him hastily.
{2} [a12] be the first person to whom s.t.
is likely to happen.
Aku ra giyuy madalìdalig tawag ni mam, Im the most likely person for the teacher to call on.
dinalìdalì n work done hastily.
madalìdalíun a fond of rushing up things, impulsive.
dalìdálì v [A; a] {1} approach s.
directly without formality.
Bisag dalìdalíun na siyag hangyù, musugut lang, Even if you ask him without preparing him beforehand, hell go along with it.
{2} [a12] be overcome readily.
Dílì siya madalìdálì kay bansay man sa dyúdu, You cant overcome him just like that because he is good in judo.
hiN-r-() a happening on the spur of the moment, suddenly.
Hinanálì ra kaáyu ang íyang kamatáyun, His death was so sudden.
-in-an a urgent, in a hurry.
Dinalian ang ákung sulat kaníya, My letter to him is urgent.
n k.
short term rice which ripens in three months.
ka-for a moment.
Gustu ku makigsulti nímu kadalì, I would like to talk to you for a second.

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