BAKIKAW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...
bakikaw a awkward, graceless.
Ang walhun bakikaw tan-áwun nga manahì, A left-handed person looks graceless when he sews.
v [B1; a] become clumsy, do s.t.
clumsily, awkwardly.
Bakikawun gánì nímug kúgus ang bátà mahúlug giyud nà, Youll drop the child if you carry it in such a clumsy way.
Ang walhun bakikaw tan-áwun nga manahì, A left-handed person looks graceless when he sews.
v [B1; a] become clumsy, do s.t.
clumsily, awkwardly.
Bakikawun gánì nímug kúgus ang bátà mahúlug giyud nà, Youll drop the child if you carry it in such a clumsy way.