TIUNAY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tiúnay (from unay) n {1} s.t.
deeply imbedded in the flesh such that one must dig to get it out.
Gikúhà sa duktur ang tiúnay sa ákung dughan, The doctor removed the arrowhead from my chest.
{2} true, sincere.
Salígi king gugmang tiúnay, Trust this sincere love (of mine).
{3} inherent, natural property of.
Ang kabangis tiúnay sa tawhánung kinaíya, Pugnaciousness is inherent in human nature.
{4} = kasya.
v [B] be deeply imbedded.
Gugmang nagtiúnay sa dughan, A love that has penetrated deep into my breast.

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