PASIPALA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

pasipála v [A; b6] {1} mistreat, treat s.t.
roughly, abusively.
Ayaw pasipad-i ang mwiblis, Dont mistreat the furniture.
{2} abuse a woman.
{3} ug sulti mistreat s.
by saying s.t.
incon-siderate and painful to him in a light, unthinking way.
Ngánung nagpasipála ka mag pamasángil nga dì ka man sigúru?
Why do you accuse me unthinkingly if you are not sure?
4 dare do s.t.
Dì ku mupasipála ug labang ánang kusug nga bahà, I dont dare cross the river because it is so high.
mapasipaláhun, mapasipad-ánun n {1} abusive, maltreating.
{2} careless with things that are dangerous.
Pasipiku n Pacific Ocean.

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