LIGU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lígù (from dígù) v [A; a] {1} bathe s.
Ang inahan naglígù sa bátà, The mother is bathing the baby.
Ligúa ang irù.
Bathe the dog.
{2} [B123S56] take a bath, go swimming.
Malígù (mukalígù) ta sa Talísay, Well go swimming at Talisay Beach.
Dì ta makaligù kay way túbig, We cannot take a bath because there is no water.
{2a} [B1256] (in proverbs) do s.t.
to a certain extent.
Puslan mang malígù, manlúgud na lang giyud, Since we took it on, we might as well go through with it.
(Were bathing so we might as well rub the dirt o?
) Puslan mang mahumud, malígù na lang, Since you took it on, you might as well go the whole hog.
You got wet, so you might as well bathe.
) walay () a not having had a bath.
Húgaw batáa.
Way ligù, What a dirty child.
He didnt take a bath.
ka- v {1} [A2; b6(1)] take a bath.
Ayawg kaligúi ang banyu kay naistak-ap, Do not take a bath in the bathroom because it is plugged up.
Ínit túbig ang ikalígù, Bathe with hot water.
{1a} [A123S] take a bath after being bedridden, and therefore be cured.
Makabalik ka na sa trabáhu kay nakaligù (nakakaligù) na ka, You may go back to work because you are all better now.
{2} [A123S] be wet all over, as in taking a bath.
Nakaligù (nakakaligù) ang nangharánag íhì, The serenaders were bathed with urine.
n action of taking a bath, going swimming.
ka-an(), ka-anan n place one bathes or goes swimming.

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